NSEAD works to ensure that educators are able to provide high quality art, craft and design education for all learners, of all ages, at all stages and in all parts of the UK. NSEAD people are drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and settings, bringing their expertise to the NSEAD mission.
Our NSEAD Governance team support our fantastic membership to achieve our shared vision.
Do you want to make a difference to art, craft and design education?
Are you looking to develop your expertise and professional profile?
Have you got a special interest or experience to share?
Would you like to work with some of the leading educators in the UK?
This autumn, we will be electing 2 members of Council
Join NSEAD Council, January 2025
Council meets in full three times a year on a Saturday morning, generally via video conference, although we aim to meet in person for at least one of those meetings.
As well as these governance meetings, Council members attend our Annual General Meeting in the summer,and may join working groups and sub-committees that meet informally at other times.
Every Council member is invited to be involved with our Research Groups, which drive policy and deliver real change for art, craft and design education.
How to apply
We are looking for people to reflect our diverse membership, and we are particularly keen to recruit members from under-represented groups and from diverse backgrounds. We seek to cover the range of settings and phases of education, regions and areas of expertise. We aim to always have a reserved place on Council for an NQT or recently qualified teacher.
Candidates seeking election to the Council or appointment as Vice-President must be paid up Full Members, Associate Members or Honorary Members resident in the United Kingdom.
Download a nomination form here.
You can contact Michele Gregson to find out more about how you can make a difference.
Closing date: 12 noon on Friday 25 October 2024
NSEAD is powered by the work of our members – step up to Council and lead the change that you want to see.