degree shows united

UK art schools combine forces to host a “festival of online degree shows” this summer through Autumn

Art schools across the UK have pledged to work together to help showcase the work of this year’s graduating fine students to a far wider audience than they would have enjoyed before. Graduate Fine Art students from across the country will take part in a linked “festival of online degree shows”, using the hashtag #degreeshowsunited during May-August, in an initiative designed to celebrate and recognise the great diversity and talent of UK art students.

A shared calendar includes the launch of new websites, online events, Instagram takeovers, and Zoom chats, allowing virtual access to hundreds of graduate students’ work over the summer.

Universities that are so far collaborating on this initiative include Bath School of Art, Bolton, Edinburgh, Glasgow School of Art, Glyndwr (North Wales), Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool John Moores, Manchester Met, The Cass at London Metropolitan University, Plymouth, Reading, Sheffield Hallam, and Westminster, with several more expected over the coming weeks.

A spokesperson for the organisers said, “A website can’t replace the unique experience of exhibiting your work together on campus with your peers, but an online festival provides a different opportunity – to see and present your work in the national context, and see what other artists are doing across the country. The opportunity for art students to connect and use this network for future collaborations and networks (virtual or otherwise) is unprecedented and we hope to nurture that. Creative people and organisations always use adversity to make positive things happen -Covid-19 had not happened then this festival may have never been conceived. We hope this activity will act as a catalyst to establish a larger network of young artists, as well as offering them a chance to connect with a much wider audience. “


Many students will also take part in, an online portal organised by the Spanish artist David Quiles Guillo.


Degree shows May-July 2020

22 May: Glyndwr (North Wales) –  Instagram: @scafineart #fastantishow                         

29 May: Liverpool John Moore –  Instagram: @ljmuarts                        

29 May (- June): Edinburgh – Instagram: @edinburghcollegeofart                       

3rd June: York St John - Exhibition launch/social media take over – Instagram @yorkstjohn 

5 Jun: Reading School of Art University of Reading – Instagram: @unirdg_art Instagram ‘takeover’ by students in run up to event on degree show account: @asbestos_streams  Live Event Friday 5th June 5pm

5 June: University of Leeds (School of Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies) –  Instagram: @simmer.leeds

11 June: University of Central Lancashire (Fine Art catalogue launch) – Show Instagram @uclan_fineart       

17th June: The Cass, London Metropolitan University ( BA Photography Showcase)                        Instagram : @thecassphoto

20th  June: Bolton – Instagram: @boltonunifineart  @photoboltonuni

Mid June: Manchester Metropolitan

Late June: Bath School of Art –  @bath_bafineart                    

18 June: Lancaster University – Instagram @borderless_lu

29 June-10 July: The Cass at London Metropolitan University Twitter: @thecassart Instagram: @thecassart

16 July: University of Central Lancashire (School-wide Virtual Degree Show launch);  Show Instagram @uclan_fineart            



For more information and updates on #degreeshowsunited please contact: 

Nathan Jones

Lecturer, School of Art, Lancaster University

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