Arts and design jobs are now officially classified as shortage subjects

The Government's updated UK Shortage Occupation List shows that art and design jobs are now officially shortage occupations.

The List, published by the Home Office 20 February 2020, shows that many art and design jobs are officially now in short supply. The list is compiled for Immigration officers.


Jobs identified in the Occupation List under the following titles are identified as shortage roles:



Arts officers, producers and directors

Graphic designers

Web design and development


Responding to the publication of this updated list, Michele Gregson, NSEAD general secretary, said:

'The Shortage Occupation list evidences the UK has a job shortage in arts and design sectors. We firmly recommend and implore the Department for Education, the UK Home Office and non-ministerial departments, to share their evidence and have more joined-up thinking. These shortage jobs provide the very evidence needed for all those involved in education and policy-making, to encourage rather than hinder creative and arts-related learning. The opportunities are in clear sight and it is time for policy makers to promote the opportunities available, so that talented young people, from all backgrounds and sectors, can become the next generation of artists, architects, makers and designers.'


NSEAD will continue to advise and advocate for policy makers to have greater awareness and understanding of learning in and through art, craft and design. Our NSEAD Manifesto calls for more joined-up strategic thinking. We are calling for real change and commitment by the Government to ensure that art, craft and design education across all phases can thrive, and that those study it, can progress into jobs, careers and arts and design-related professions of their choice. Read more about the NSEAD's Manifesto here.

The full Shortage Occupation List can be viewed here.