All members are invited to attend the 131st Annual General Meeting of the National Society for Education in Art and Design.
The AGM will be held at The Hepworth, Gallery Walk, Wakefield, Yorkshire WF1 5AW on Saturday 29 June 2019 commencing at 1.30pm as part of the annual national conference
1. To record attendance and receive apologies for absence
2. Presidents opening remarks
3. To approve the minutes of the last AGM held at the Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont street, Oxford OX1 2HP on Saturday 30 June 2018
4. To consider any matters arising from the minutes
5. To receive and approve the General Secretary's report for 2017-18
6. To receive and approve the Honorary Treasurers Report for 2017-18
7. To receive and approve the report of the Auditors for 2017-18
8. To award fellowships of the Society
9. To appoint auditors for the financial year 2018-19
Note: This draft agenda for the meeting is made available to all members of the Society to enable members to comply with Rule 4.22 which requires that 'Notice of any motion relative to the Constitution or of any other business shall be delivered in writing to the General Secretary at least twenty eight days before the AGM i.e 17th May 2019. Any member of the Society may submit a motion for consideration at the AGM through Council. To be eligible for consideration all such motions shall be submitted to the AGM with the support of five members of the Council who shall appoint proposers and seconders.