This resource is the work of the NSEAD Special Interest Group for Data and targets in Art and Design who looked at the use of subject-specific data in secondary schools.
The group have produced a detailed analysis of the validity and changes in using SATs data in English secondary schools, for setting GCSE and KS3-4 flightpath progress targets in art & design.
This guidance replaces some of the historical papers published by the authors and with the support of NSEAD between 2000 and 2012, which focused on the use of NC Levels and the setting of secondary school data targets in art & design. This is not pertinent to all UK schools, but is specific to changes in England and to a lesser extent in Wales and Northern Ireland.
Our thanks go to the Data Special Interest Group: Ged Gast, Lesley Butterworth, Mo Coade, Liz Mcfarlane and Maria Keki. Special thanks to the authors of this paper, Ged Gast and Dan China.