Risk assessments should be carried out to identify the need for personal protective equipment. Apart from overalls or aprons, the need for face shields, goggles, gloves, filter masks and other special items must be carefully considered. Employers should have regard to the PPE Regulations (see Relevant Legislation - Statute Law) when considering standards to be applied to pupils. It is also essential to ensure that when selecting PPE, such as protective goggles or filter masks, the correct type must be provided, specific to the risk assessment and the activity.
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School Management
Good management is the key to effective teaching and learning, and largely determines the ethos of a school. In schools where a high priority is given…
Class Management
Class Management - Class management and the efficient use of available space are both important. There must be sufficient room for pupils to work…
Organisation & Storage
OrganisationOrganisation of both general classrooms and specialised studios will vary according to the range of art, craft and design activities that…
Design and Layout of Art & Design Studios/Rooms
When new art and design accommodation is being planned or when reviewing provision to make improvements, it is sensible to seek specialised advice on…
Outside Visits and Work Away from School
In addition to work experience, there should be some emphasis on Learning Outside the Classroom (LoTC) - education work that takes place outside the school…
The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations (1992) and Approved Code of Practice have significant implications for the cleaning of rooms where…
Electricity and Gas
Portable power tools and a wide range of gas, electrical and mechanical appliances are increasingly used in schools. The potential dangers, the special…
The statutory guidance on Acoustics, lighting and ventilation in schools (EFA 2014), including guidance on heating, is available here. This provides links…
First Aid
First aid in the classroom