The materials in this section provide case studies shared by classroom practitioners and Ofsted (2008-16) working in secondary schools. We will be extending these case studies and this resource, across all phases very soon.

Developing confidence to understand identity – working with Year 11 disaffected students in an ESC
Created by Stephen Hoult

Using 'maps' to introduce Year 7 students to art & design and geography
Created by Jayne Stillman

A cross-curricular land art project
Year 7: understanding of a contemporary art form – Land Art. Created by Jenny Sutton Kirby

Personalised learning for GCSE students
Created by Tom Oldfield

Purposeful creativity – a special school project developing sculptural designs
Created by Jayne Stillman

Art and the Community – The role of the artist in both the community and the workplace
Created by Gill Curry

A Creative Partnership project on the Holocaust
Created by Becky Newbold

Exploration of the Periodic Table using sound beam technology – a science & art project
Created by John Bradford

A film making project, developing emotional intelligence through the lens
Created by Michele Gregson

A school uses radio to create a vision of ‘the school for the future’
Created by Terry Parker

Developing craft skills through working with a studio jeweller
Created by Chris Gozzard

Creating clothing – a recycling project with GCSE students
Created by Paula Fahy

Secondary school students guide Year 6 students in a feeder school in making a site specific sculpture
Created by Moira Jarvis

Raising pupils’ aspirations and confidence through a photography collaboration
Created by Paul Henegan

‘Define and Re-Use’ - working collaboratively to research and represent individual, local and national identity
Created by Sophie Leach

Contemporary craft, a commemorative wall hanging and a community exhibition
Created by Louise Gill

A Federation of schools, a cross-phase programme linking music, media and English
Created by Ted Kennedy

A cross-phase programme based on recycling
Created by Ted Kennedy

Junk Head! Revisiting and reinventing 'The mask' project
Created by Joanne Davies

Regeneration – A trail of two cities, thinking creatively about the local built environment
Created by Ian Lightfoot

Animating Art or ‘Back to the Future'
Created by Catherine Fenwick

‘Running with it’ – Personalised learning in Year 8
Created by Neil Hanger

Creative Olympics – embedding creativity in the school curriculum
Created by Andrea Douglas

A Cross-curricular 3D Photography Project, working with art & design, science and digital media
Created by John Bradford

A ‘Fair Trade’ Cross-curricular Project
Created by Jill Wood

A Moving Image Project, investigating form and shape
Created by Iain Macdonald

A Year 8 Case Study: Islamic Art Project
This project sought to break down both cultural and curricular boundaries while developing a wide range of art media competences and examining contemporary…

Using a Local Landmark as a Focus for an Art and Design Project
Created by Alex Ashton

Identity – A Year 7 cross-curricular project
Created by Sam Eyre and Richard Marks

‘It’s all about learning' – Leeds ArtForms, Artist Carousel
Created by Ted Kennedy

A cross-curricular transition project
Created by Alex Ashton

Puffing and sewing
Created by Charli Neal

The Tempest
A contemporary approach to illustration linking with an English department

Cross-Curricular Museum Visits
Created by Lauren Kiss

‘Mysteries of the Flesh’: A project on the body in a faith School
Created by Judith Doyle

Enquiry-led learning – Answering big questions through art
Created by Naomi Hart

1% for Art Project
Created by Tamsin Thomas

Public Spaces: researching location and environment in an all-boys school
Created by Sophie Pearce